6 week paid internship at Larsen and Toubro


YogeshInternFeel: Hello Yogesh, great to see you here. Please tell us about yourself.

Yogesh: Hello, I am a final year student at National Institute of Technology Hamirpur (H.P). I am pursuing B.Tech in Mechanical engineering. I love to listen pop music and watch thriller movies. I am an observer i.e. love to observe nature, daily experiences and love to hangout with friends. I like to draw and sometimes write a little bit too.


IF: Which internship you got the chance to take? What is it all about? Stipend, duration, place?

Yogesh: I had the chance to get an industrial internship at Larsen & Toubro (L&T) Water treatment plant, New Delhi. This internship was about construction and maintenance of a water treatment plant. I have been offered a stipened of Rs.4000/- per month. The duration for my internship was 6 weeks.


IF: How you came to know about the internship? To what all sources you kept yourself connected?

Yogesh: Actually, L&T visited our college for the placement of final year students. They, for the first time, decided to choose interns as well. They conducted an online test for the top ten rankers of mechanical and civil branch. After that, for the selected students, there was an interview with the HR on the next day. They selected 5 students from each branch after that interview. All I contacted was my training and placement office for the latest news.


IF: Let’s talk about how competitive is the selection process.

What qualities of yours, you believe helped you in having an edge over the selection process? What key things you feel were looked for by the selectors?

Yogesh: As it was the top ten rankers, you really should have a good CGPA and should be in the list of the toppers. As you have listened many times that the ‘pointer’ is not all that matters… well… they lie…  In the interview, they generally want to see your confidence and your knowledge about your stream. They really look after your presence of mind at the moment and sometimes they want to know how much better you can think under pressure, for that they provide you with a situation and asks you for your opinion on that situation.


IF: About when you got the news for the selection? How was the celebration?

Yogesh: This selection process was taking place during the placements, and unluckily for us, we were dealing with mid-semester exams at that point during my 5th semester. So, as all other engineering students, I was pretty exhausted. But still I went for the written test and the interview.  When I got the news of my selection, I was really shocked and didn’t beleive my friend for the first time. Then immediately I checked my mail and there was it… ‘the confirmation letter from the L&T’… as soon my friends came to know about it, the first word was …  as always…  PARTY..!!


IF: What all preparations you did after the results in view of the internship?

Yogesh: Well, I hadn’t done much. Although, remember to go through the company profile before going for the interview. They always asks – ‘what do you know about the company?’ After the results, I searched more about the company, and understand the working of company. As I was told about the water treatmnet plant after I reported to the company, so I was not given much to learn about it before joining. But all you have to know the basics about the company and there various working sectors.


IF: So Yogesh, could you please highlight us with what work project you carried out during the internship period? It’s application in near future and your work in it?

Yogesh: I have been assigned to observe the whole plant and to know about the various processes carried out there for the treatment of the river water and to make it suitable for consumer consumption. I was told to make a layout of the plant showing all the details of the processes and the specifications of each purifying chambers and its machines.

Although it doesn’t seem much, but believe me it was a whole new experience and a very good platform where you can apply your theoretical knowledge to the practical environment. It is a whole new world out there.


IF: What was the best thing about the work culture and the internship? What all things you liked there?

Yogesh: The best thing was the cooperation that the people out there have shown toward the interns. They will help you to understand the various concepts from the basic roots of the subject. Everyone were very supporting.

As many of you think that it was a water treatment plant filled with smell and noises, it was completely opposite. The maintenance of the plant was outstanding and believe me, it was one of the quietest place in Delhi.


IF: Were there any special events during the internships?

Yogesh: Not really. Although the timing was very flexible. No attendance. So you can leave as soon as your work is complete or as you feel like. So, you have the time to explore the city.

IF: What was the guidance provided by your guide? What all support you received from L & T administration.

Yogesh: I have been assigned under a project manager who forwarded me under the guidance of an engineer. But luckily for me, he belongs to the mechanical field. He provided me with the brief explanation of the plant and guided me to understand some concepts that are wholly new to me. Sometimes, the operators know what the machine works but they didn’t know how it works. For that I always contact my guide and he loved to help me. His one of the quality that I liked that he always relate the tuff concepts with the examples of daily life for better understanding.


IF: Let’s now talk about some negatives.

What all things you hated there? What problems you or your friends faced, regards to the internship, which your juniors may be able to avoid?

Yogesh: The main problem that I faced was the accommodation. They didn’t provide me any accommodation. Actually, at first, I was assigned to Gurgaon, Haryana. But the work there was next to none. So after requesting a lot to the project manager, I was reassigned to the water treatment plant. It happens. Sometimes there was no work where you are going, it’s important that you ask for reassignment. You have gone that far to learn something, so it’s your will that you want to learn or just time pass. It’s all up to you.

There was no source of food within a mile or so. So you have to be fully equipped with the lunch arrangements and water. One of the main problem that I faced was the lack of knowledge about the machines to the operators working there. It was so much difficult to understand the working of machines.

Do ask as much as you can. That is the only way to pursue you training. They will not tell you if you don’t ask. They will take you as granted. They didn’t allow us to touch the machines. So it was another reason that led to the difficulty in understanding the machines.


IF: Anything you would like to tell us please. Feel free to share any interesting thing that happened.

Yogesh: Believe it or not, it was my first time to visit Delhi. It was so HOT. It was boiling as hell in some chambers at the plant.

My guide was so friendly, that he always encouraged me to visit various places in Delhi. He even prepared a list of places that I must explore before heading home.


IF: To which all people you would, like to thank in context of this internship?

Yogesh: I would like to thank the project manager who understands me and agreed to re appoint me to a new place. I like to thank my guide for helping me in understanding the things a lot better.

I would like to thank my friends and our training and placement representative who helped us to be updated regarding these opportunities.


IF: How much difference this period of 6 weeks made in your intellectual capabilities and mind-set. In broad terms what are your gains from this?

Yogesh: I surely learnt the difference between the bookish knowledge and the practical world. It was a great help in enhancing my confidence and the conversation skills with the various authorities in the company. This training helped me in having a view of implementing my theoretical knowledge to actual industrial environment.

This training is definitely going to play an important role in developing an aptitude for hard work and self-confidence necessary for my successful future.


IF: Advice for juniors? Which can help them in getting internships in their future college life and also advice for making the best out of it.

Yogesh: It is common among students that they try to get certificate from various companies by their influence without going under training. It will be nothing to you. I will advise all the viewers to go through the training and learn something beneficial while you are out there. You can always have fun in the weekends. And believe me, fun at new place is worth for it.


IF: What are your future plans after this internship and how much impact this internship will have on it?

Yogesh: I will keep on trying hard to enhance the things I have learnt there. It surely taught me a lot about surviving in an industry as well as at a new place. It was a whole new experience for me and I was lucky to have it.


IF: Any views about this initiative of InternFeel, and how beneficial it would be? Any suggestions for improvement?

Yogesh: It is the best help known to my knowledge. InternFeel helps you to understand the very basics about the internship. I have also taken help from the respected admin of InternFeel Desk. He helped me a lot to understand the need for a proper internship by providing various internship opportunities and the interviews.

I just want to thank InternFeel for their updates and interviews. I want to wish a very good luck you guys for your future.


IF: So Yogesh, we are at the end of the interview. From the entire team of InternFeel, we thank you for sharing your experiences with us, for everyone and we wish you best of luck for all your future endeavours.

Yogesh: Thank you. Pleasure was all mine.

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