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Internship Experience | Anavi Mittal | Times of India, Dehradun | Internship

At a glance

College – NIFT Delhi majoring in Fashion Communication

Place of work – Times of India, Dehradun

Duration of the internship – One month

Stipend – None


In detail

InterFeel (IF): Please tell us something about yourself. Where are you studying currently? What are your hobbies and interests?

Anavi Mittal (AM): I am Anavi, a sophomore student of NIFT Delhi. My major is Fashion Communication. The course, young in India, specializes in subjects like Fashion Journalism, Graphic Designing and Photography.

Anavi InternFeelIF: Tell us something about your internship including stipend, duration and place?

AM: I applied to the Times of India, Dehradun through application for the internship to the Bureau Chief. Turning in my CV and application, I joined the office on 6 July for a month. I worked without receiving any stipend, only for the sake of experience.

Duration of the internship – one month             

Stipend – none

IF: How competitive was the selection process? According to you, which qualities have helped you have an edge in the selection process? Also, what were the key things that selectors were looking for?

AM: The single vacancy for internship had 20 other applicants, most of them from respectable journalism colleges like Lady Sri Ram. After around 15 days of anticipation, my application got accepted on 5 July. My perseverance to get the internship along with my active participation in literary activities was my strong factor. The selectors were looking for someone who was serious about the work, with a creative flair for writing.

IF: Could you please highlight the work/research you carried out during your internship period?

AM: My daily work included 3 reports on competition tracking mechanism of TOI, aimed at keeping the news up to date. Along with that, I had the freedom to work on my own articles. I chose to focus on articles featuring neglected Dehradun heritage, which required trips to the chosen places, studies in archives, and interviews with the people concerned.

IF: Can you give us interesting details about your experience – good and bad?

AM: Traveling and writing are interesting, but writing about places worth traveling to has always been one of my aims in life.

IF: How do you think this internship has helped you grow? In other words, what are your key takeaways from the internship?

AM: The internship has helped me focus on my writing in detail within a short span of a month. It helped me observe the intricacies of office culture dealing with print media.

IF: Has this internship had a decision altering impact on your career? Do you now think of a different future path as compared to before doing the internship?

AM: This internship was only a stepping stone to my further plans in the communication industry.

IF: Lastly, do you have any words of advice or caution for students aspiring for this internship and reading this piece?

AM: I would advise the applicants to have a clear idea of what they want. I would say that writing 3 extraordinary articles is better than writing 10 monotonous ones.

We’d like to thank Avani for the short crisp interview and want to wish her all the luck for her furture!

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