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Internship at Google India Experience by Anushka (TAPMI,Manipal)


InternFeel: Hello Anushka, pleasure to meet you. Please tell us about yourself. What makes you different?

Anushka: Hello, I am a second year student at T. A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal pursuing PGDM. I have done B.Tech in Computer
Science and have a work experience of 2.5 years with Infosys prior to joining TAPMI. I enjoy reading books and love dancing. I also like
exploring new places and love being close to nature.





IF: Which internship you got the chance to take? What is it all about? Stipend, duration, place?
Anushka:I got a chance to intern with Google India. This internship was in the field of marketing, where I got an opportunity to do research assignment on the advertising agencies in India. I was offered a stipend of Rs. 50000 per month. The duration of my internship was for 10 weeks at their Gurgaon office


IF: How you came to know about the internship? To what all sources you kept yourself connected?
Anushka: The internship was organized by my college placement cell. This is for the first time when Google decided to take interns from our

IF: Tell us on the procedure to apply for the internship. Who all are eligible to apply for this internship? (Any special requirements?)
Anushka: As said above, I got to know about this internship from the placement cell. The interested students were asked to apply for it. 20
students were shortlisted by Google based on their profile and CGPA and I was lucky to be one of them. Then, I had to face two rounds of interview before the final selection was announced.

IF: Let’s talk about how competitive is the selection process. What qualities of yours, you believe helped you in having an edge over the selection process? What key things you feel were looked for by the selectors?
Anushka: You should have a good CGPA to get shortlisted. In both the interviews they checked our knowledge about Google. It is very
important know about the company as there were several technical questions asked in the interviews. Besides, there were several behavioral questions to check our attitude and our response in a given situation. You need to be very calm and composed all through the

IF: About when you got the news for the selection? How was the celebration?

Anushka: One of my friends who was in the placement committee asked me to check my mail urgently. At that point of time, I was attending my lecture and we were not allowed to use our phones and laptops in the class. So, I had to wait patiently for the lecture to get over. Luckily, the lecture got over in the next 5 minutes and then the first thing I did was to check my mail. The mail said that I was selected by Google for their internship process. The first thing I did after that was to thank god and informed my parents about it. They were extremely happy and excited on my selection. As soon as my friends got to know about it, the only thing they asked was for a party.

IF: What all preparations you did (academic/otherwise) after the results in view of the internship?
Anushka: I was having my exams till two days before I joined the internship. So, preparations were on hold till that time. As soon as my exams finished, I had to travel from Manipal to Delhi. Once I reached Delhi, I started with some preparations. Some reading material was sent to all the interns before the joining date and we were asked to go through that material. So, apart from the regular documents preparation, I went through the material sent by Google.

IF: So Anushka, could you please highlight us with what work/research project you carried out during the internship period? It’s application in near future and your work in it?

Anushka: I worked with the India SMB Sales Team. I was assigned a project to research on the various advertising agencies present in India and provide insights about the same. It was a challenging project for me as I had absolutely no knowledge about the advertising world. At
the end, I had to provide analysis on the research that I conducted. Also, during my internship period, I had started providing the team with
agency newsletters to keep the team updated with the latest happenings in the advertising agency industry. I also kept the team updated with
my findings and progress of the project during the team meetings. I earned a lot of appreciation for my work and the newsletters from my
mentor, lead and rest of the team.

IF: What was the best thing about the work culture and the internship? What all things you liked there?
Anushka: Google is well known for its work culture and atmosphere. Whatever I had heard about the company, I was living it each day
during my internship. I never felt I was just an intern. I was given access to all the facilities which any regular employee was getting from the company. I received full support, guidance and motivation from my superiors and team members which helped me to give in my best during
my internship.

10428715_275275795977680_9183778376859063897_nIF: Were there any special events during the internships?
Anushka: Yes. There were a few special events conducted during the internship period and I also participated in those events the events in which I participated include quiz competition and GoogleServe. GoogleServe is an event conducted across all Google offices in the world and is aimed at helping the community. I participated in one of the projects at GoogleServe and it was an amazing learning experience.

IF: What was the guidance provided by your guide? What all support you received from Google India’s administration.

Anushka: I was assigned a mentor and a lead for my project. During the period of my internship, I was given continuous feedback on my progress from my lead as well as mentor. They helped me come back on track whenever I was not clear of the next step. They also motivated and appreciated me for anything new and innovative that I did. The team with which I worked was very supportive and equipped me with all the information I needed at all times. The best part was that I was never overburdened with work. They allowed me to set my own pace to do the work and independently let me manage the whole
IF: Let’s now talk about some negatives. What problems you or your friends faced, regards to the internship, which your juniors may be able to avoid?
Anushka: As far as problems are concerned, I personally didn’t face any problems during my internship period. Everyone from my manager
to my lead were so supportive, and I never had anything to complain. The accommodation that was provided to us was equipped with all the
modern facilities needed for a comfortable stay away from your home. When I reached Delhi airport, it was quite late in the night, a cab was
sent to pick me and my co-intern from the airport to drop us at the hotel. Since travelling alone late night in Delhi/ NCR is not safe for girls the company had sent a guard with Cab to protect us from any untoward incident and we were also provided pepper spray. When we asked the reason for it, we were told that it is the company’s policy that any lady travelling alone after 9 pm, would have a guard accompanying in the cab for their protection. With all the facilities, safety and supportive employees I didn’t find anything negative with the company.

IF: Anything you would like to tell us please. Feel free to share any interesting thing that happened.
Anushka: Here, I would like to mention about the offsite party that we had during the internship period. The whole team went to Neemrana
Fort in Rajasthan. It was a fun experience and it helped us to bond with the team. This was important for me and my co-intern as it had been
just a week we had joined the internship and we got to gel with the team.

IF: To which all people you would, like to thank in context of this internship?

Anushka: I would like to thank several people for this internship. I would like to thank my mentors and the project lead in Google. They
helped in making this internship a really memorable and learning experience. I also want to express my gratitude here to my college
placement committee who works day and night to get such great companies to the campus and give us such wonderful opportunities. Also, I want to thank my faculty for their continuous guidance and support throughout the internship period.

IF: How much difference this period of 2 months made in your intellectual capabilities and mind-set. In broad terms what are your gains from this?

Anushka: It was an eye opening experience which helped me to develop my skills in these 2 months of internship. I have improved my
knowledge of digital advertising and marketing which will definitely help me in my studies as well as in my career. This internship helped
me to gain confidence and improve my communication skills. I also learnt as to how to use theoretical concepts that we had studied in the
real world. Overall, this internship helped me gain the adequate industry experience in the management field which is one of the reasons why this internship activity is done at the end of the first year.

10363951_275276195977640_4932423470952324065_nIF: Advice for juniors? Which can help them in getting internships in their future college life and also advice for making the best out of it.
Anushka: I would suggest everyone to make the best use of the time spent during the internship period and gain as much industry knowledge as they can. Internships are always a learning experience. It is a place where you can put your theoretical knowledge into practical use. Hence, they should take it very seriously.

IF: What are your future plans after this internship and how much impact this internship will have on it?
Anushka: My future plans are to take up a job in the marketing or finance field. This internship will surely be an add-on to my knowledge base. Also, I intend to keep learning and improving my skills.

IF: Any views about this initiative of InternFeel, and how beneficial it would be? Any suggestions for improvement?
Anushka: It is a good initiative taken by InternFeel. This acts as a very good platform for students to share their internship experiences and for other students to gain knowledge and prepare them to do hard work to get internships in good companies and be successful in their careers.

IF: Anushka, we are at the end of the interview. From the entire team of InternFeel, we thank you for sharing your experiences with us, for everyone and we wish you best of luck for all your future endeavours.
Anushka: Thank you. Pleasure was mine.

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