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Internship Experience of Aloy Palit at Germany

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InternFeel ID: IF15043

IMG_20140712_201733InternFeel: Hello Aloy, pleasure to meet you. Please tell us about yourself. What makes you different?

Aloy: GutenTag, I am Aloy Palit, Final year, Chemical undergraduate student at DCRUST, Haryana. My CGPA is average, got four backlogs in first year and I am also not from Top Grade university of India. So, I am no different than any other engineering Grad.

IF: Which internship, you got the chance to take? What is it all about? Stipend, duration, place?

Aloy: I did my summer research Internship at Technical University in Freiberg, Saxony, Germany.
It was related to Modelling of Interfacial tension and duration was 2 months (July – August), unfortunately I didn’t received any stipend in hand but my professor paid me in kind.

IF: How you came to know about the internship? To what all sources you kept yourself connected?

Aloy: As I was not eligible for DAAD, Mitacs, or any other internship, so I started mailing different professor in Germany. Some sites such as Internshala, InternFeel really helped me a lot

IF: Tell us on the procedure to apply for the internship. Who all are eligible to apply for this internship?


Step 1. Select one university at a time
Step 2. Contact the research people
Step 3. Mail your application to vice Rector or professor
Repeat the above steps until you get an invite

If you are interested, then you are eligible. In my view, everyone is eligible for internship it depends on your professor whether he/she is willing to work with you.

IF: Let’s talk about how competitive is the selection process.

What qualities of yours, you believe helped you in having an edge over the selection process? What key things you feel were looking for by the selectors?

Aloy: Damm !! This one is tough, but I guess my older internships and projects.

IF: About when you got the news for the selection? How was the celebration?

Aloy: On 9th March 2014, it felt great but I was tensed too. I was in Mumbai, called my dad told him that I got selected for an international internship, he asked only one thing “paise waise de rahe hai kya nahi ??? (Are they giving money or not???)


IF: What all preparations you did (academic/otherwise) after the results in view of the internship?

Aloy: I received an invite from them and after that I applied for Schngen visa, VFS did all the processing job, and German embassy didn’t charged me any visa Fees. I received an invite from them and after that I applied for Schngen visa, VFS did all the processing job, and German embassy didn’t charged me any visa Fees.

IF: So, Aloy, could you please highlight us with what work/research project you carried out during the internship period? Its application in the near future and your work in it?

Aloy: Modelling and simulation of tension in Crude oil, application is mainly increasing the curde oil efficiency from oil field.

IF:  What was the best thing about the work culture and the internship? What all things you liked there?

Aloy: Their Discipline toward any kind of work, and German Really Respect time. On third day my professor refused to meet me as I was 10 minutes late.

IF: Were there any special events during the internships?

Aloy: I visited Prague, Clubs, Parties. Then later that month Germany won Fifa’14. There were huge celebrations.

IF:  What was the guidance provided by your guide? What all support you received from the University’s administration.

Aloy: Frau (lady) Roomy in administrative, TU Freiberg took care of all my documentation work, because as I was not supported By DAAD, I had to register myself at the university and the city council. A great thanks to her.


IF: Let’s now talk about some negatives.

What problems you or your friends faced, regards to the internship, which your juniors may be able to avoid?

Aloy: You can’t spend two months on Junk food, learn some cooking if you can (Daal, chawal, Roti, is must). Start saving so that at least you can travel Europe if you are getting partial stipend.


IF: Have you done any internship/training before?

Aloy: No, I already did some internship earlier which include ONGC, NTPC.


IF: Aloy: To which all people you would, like to thank in context of this internship?

Great thanks to my Alumni. Then Mr. Ansh soni (NIT Hamirpur), Mr. Abhisek Debroy and last but not the least Deepa Ram. As Deepa Ram went to Germany one month before me, so he really helped with all the documentation work.

IF: How much difference this period of 2 months made in your intellectual capabilities and mindset. In broad terms what are your gains from this?

Aloy: It has boosted my confidence but not my ego. Now I am looking for more opportunities abroad

IF: Advice for juniors? Which can help them in getting internships in their future college life and also advice for making the best out of it.

Aloy: If some says you “low CGPA doesn’t matter, don’t listen to him. Research group look for student those who really care about research.


IF: What are your future plans after this internship and how much impact this internship will have on it?

Aloy: Right now still confused with Future. Internship had a good impact, will be publishing a research paper soon with my professor.

IF: Any views about this initiative of InternFeel, and how beneficial it would be? Any suggestions for improvement?

Aloy: You people are working for the students that’s really great, Hatsoff Internfeel !! Only one suggestion, don’t be limited to experiences, you can post latest internship also.

IF: Aloy, it was so nice to know all about this. We agree with you would have been busy with your academics. Even then, you took out time for this. We thank you and wish you the best of luck for all your future endeavors.

Aloy: Danke… if you need to know anything else then you can reach me at

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