We are going to discuss each type of internship you can fetch in India in detail . So read on :
Industrial Interns
This category of internship is preferred by most of the students. It basically involves field exposure by making students aware of practical aspect of their course curriculum. There are three ways to get such internship:
1. Training and Placement Representatives (TPRs) of respective departments contacting various industries and companies in India and sending the student database to them and companies inviting them as per requirement.
2. Company’s campus recruitment for internship through Personal Interview . This mode is very beneficial for getting a PPO (Pre Placement Offer) from the same company to join them later after B.Tech.
3. Students having contacts of officials concerned to some project work can directly approach them to get an offer for industrial training.
IIT Interns Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) provides tremendous opportunities for B.Tech students to pursue research internship under the supervision of their expert faculty having vast knowledge in their particular area of interest. There are two ways to apply for a summer internship in IITs.
Internship at IIT’s
1. Request for summer internship by writing a short research proposal, cover letter & your CV and sending it directly to the concerned IIT faculty via e-mail.
2. IIT Summer research fellowship programs in which they invite applications via (online/offline) modes and shortlist required number of candidates for internship. Different programs available for internship in IITs are:-
- SURGE Programme: IIT Kanpur
- Summer Fellowship Programme: IIT Madras, IIT Delhi, IIT Jodhpur , IIT Gandhinagar, IIT Guwahati etc.
Other Internships in India
There are some research centres in India where students can apply for internship. The relevant details of application invitation procedure,
launching dates, deadlines and other details can be located in their respective websites. Some are listed below
- Summer Research Fellowship Program – IAS, NASI, INSA
- DRDO (Defence Research & Development Org.)
- CBIP (Central Board of Irrigation & Power)
- ISRO (Indian Space Research Org.)
- IISc Banglore (Indian Institute of Science)
- BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Center)
Foreign Internships
Students can also proceed towards pursuing a summer internship at international level. There are so many programs available for this and a few out of them are listed below. It is recommended to visit their respective web sites for detailed information, eligibility, requirements and other details. Following programs require a perquisite acceptance letter from a professor to be eligible to apply for scholarship.
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