Internship Experience | Surya Suresh | IISc, Bangalore | Physics Department

IF:  Please tell us something about yourself. Where are you studying currently? What are your hobbies and interests? Surya Suresh (SS):  I am Surya, pursuing my post-graduation in Physics at Bishop Moore College affiliated to University of Kerala. I like to have practical rather than theoretical knowledge. I am absolutely not a…

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Internship Experience | Siddha Ganju | European Council for Nuclear Research | CERN OpenLab

IF: In which course are you presently enrolled? Please tell us something about yourself – your interests and areas of specialization. Siddha Ganju (SG): Hello, I am Siddha Ganju currently pursuing Master of Computational Data Science at Carnegie Mellon University, USA. I hail from Shimla, a hilly city in India.…

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