Internship Experience at NITK Surathkal : Chetan Aggarwal

[su_button url="" target="blank" style="3d" background="#35979E" color="#fff" size="6" wide="no" center="no" radius="round" icon="icon: user" text_shadow="5px 5px 5px #c8c8c8" rel="DreamCatcher" title="DreamCatcher" class="goddamn-buttons"]Have a Chat With Him[/su_button] InternFeel ID: IF15012 Q1) In which course are you presently enrolled? Please tell us something about yourself- your interests and areas of specialization. My name is Chetan…

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Internship Experience of Aloy Palit at Germany

[su_button url="" target="blank" style="3d" background="#35979E" color="#fff" size="6" wide="no" center="no" radius="round" icon="icon: user" text_shadow="5px 5px 5px #c8c8c8" rel="DreamCatcher" title="DreamCatcher" class="goddamn-buttons"]Have a Chat With Him[/su_button] InternFeel ID: IF15043 InternFeel: Hello Aloy, pleasure to meet you. Please tell us about yourself. What makes you different? Aloy: GutenTag, I am Aloy Palit, Final year, Chemical undergraduate student at…

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Summer Research Fellowship Program – IAS SRFP by Pooja Das Sharma, NIT Durgapur, 3rd year B.Tech Student

  Meet Pooja Das Sharma – A final year undergraduate student, pursuing B.Tech inElectrical Engineering from NIT Durgapur. She dreams to pursue research work inengineering leading to significant innovation for the benefit of mankind. Apart fromacademics, she is also the executive committee member of ISTE student’s chapter,NIT Durgapur. With hobbies…

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Mitacs Globalink Research Internship in Canada -Aprajita Bansal (B.Tech-Chem. Engg.)

InternFeel: Hello Aprajita, it’s pleasure to have you here. Please tell us about yourself. Aprajita: Hello! I am Aprajita Bansal. Presently I am pursuing in Chemical Engineering at Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat (NIT, Surat). I am from Kota, Rajasthan. I like listening music, watching sitcoms, romcom…

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