CampusMag | Internshala Student Partner – Grishma | Virtual Internship

Today we have Grishma to share her beautiful experiences on various sets of Virtual Internships which help molded here. Let’s get on to it.InternFeel (IF): Please tell us something about yourself. Where and what are you studying currently? Grishma: Hi, I am Grishma studying Mechanical Engineering(6th semester)  from AITAM, Andhra Pradesh.…

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Internship Experience | Akshay Kamath | Mitacs Globalink Fellowship | Research internship

  At a glance College – final year undergraduate student in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) at NITK Surathkal Place of work –Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Toronto with Prof. Roman Genov Department - Intelligent Sensory Microsystems Laboratory Duration of the internship – 12 weeks Project…

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Mitacs Globalink Program Internship Experience – Samresh Satapathy

Mitacs Globalink Program About the Program: Mitacs Globalink invites undergraduate students from around the world to experience Canada as a leading destination for research & innovation. This competitive program pairs top-ranked students and faculty at Canadian universities for a 12-week research project of mutual interest in the period of May to…

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