Internship Experience of Kartik at Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai

Tell us about your internship - process of application, stipend, duration and place?I was selected as a research fellow under Summer Research Fellowship Program- 2017. It is a joint research program organized by Indian Academy of Sciences, Indian National Science Academy and National Academy of Sciences in collaboration with almost…

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Internship Experience at Indian Institute of Science Bangalore: Tanya Agarwal

[su_button url="" target="blank" style="3d" background="#35979E" color="#fff" size="6" wide="no" center="no" radius="round" icon="icon: user" text_shadow="5px 5px 5px #c8c8c8" rel="DreamCatcher" title="DreamCatcher" class="goddamn-buttons"]Have a Chat With Her[/su_button] InternFeel ID: IF15006 Q1) In which course are you presently enrolled? Please tell us something about yourself- your interests and areas of specialization. My name is Tanya…

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