Intern Experience at MNIT Jaipur – Nishant


InternFeel: Hello Nishant! Nice to see you here. Tell us something about yourself.

Nishant: I am a 2nd year B. tech student studying Computer Science at LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur. I am an open minded person.  I always believe that one can fulfil his ambitions and dreams if he /she first make sure what actually have to do,  and start working for that until he/she got succeeded in tough conditions also.  Confidence is major part of our dream.  I am very much interested in mathematics since my childhood.  I try to make my own problems and solve them in the different field of mathematics. I am interested in Computer Networks too.

Over a period of one and half years in college,  I have developed a thirst for gaining  knowledge and an attitude which could enable me to apply my knowledge to bring about  a significant change in the present day scenario.  I don’t believe that we should study more.  We should be active in non-academic activities.


IF: Which internship you got a chance to take? What is it all about?

Nishant: After my first year of B. tech, I got opportunity to do intern at Malviya National Institute Of Technology, Jaipur (MNIT) during summer Vacations. It was around 45 days (15th may to 30th June) internship.  I worked on a project ‘Pintos’. This is a operating system which is not used as other operating systems like windows, Linux in real world.

It is being run on simulator.My internship was under Professor Dr.Manoj Singh Gaur. I didn’t get any stipend but I got certificate from there.

IF: How you came to know about the internship? Generally what was your way of being in touch with the media to get the information about the various internships?

Nishant: In the month of April, I was looking for some internships, I found some internship for computer science students in MNIT, I applied for that. In May I got a mail from MNIT that I had been selected for internship, I was called for interview, I gave interview with confidence and finally I was selected for intern.

IF: How much competitive is the selection process? What things you feel are looked for in the applicant by the selectors?

Nishant: There were many constraints for getting that intern like CPI, Resume and finally interview. Selectors check the knowledge of a person, some other extra curriculum activities, how person is performing in his college. CPI is also an important factor for getting an internship.

 IF: What qualities of yours – educational / otherwise,  you feel helped you in having an edge over the selection process?

Nishant: My CPI was good enough to get that intern, not only this there were many achievements in different fields all over my life which I had passed on. I was also active in other curriculum activities like sports, cultural, technical etc.

 IF: Approximately when you got the news for the selection? How was the celebration?

Nishant: I was very happy at that time because I could utilize my holidays. It was great opportunity for me to do intern after 1st year of B. tech. How could I leave it?

IF: Any common mistakes which you feel students should avoid while searching and applying for internships?

Nishant: While searching and applying for internships, students should make sure themselves in which field they want to do intern, what is area of interest. Then they should search for professor who are in that particular field, they should devote some time for reading and analysing professor’s profile, then proceed further. Resume should not be more than 2 pages. We should make a cover letter which is all about our area of interest, which also help us in finding internships.

IF: So Nishant, could you please highlight us with what work/research project you carried out during the internship period? It’s application in near future and your work in it?

Nishant: I worked on project PINTOS which is a operating system, not used as other operating systems like windows, linux.  It is being run on simulator like qumu. It is completely based on High level C. There are many modules of this. It’s not so much famous but in near future it may be more useful.

IF: What was the best thing about the work culture and the internship? What all things you liked there? The difference you found in comparison with the work culture of our country?

 Nishant: It was compulsory to have 100% attendance for this internship. I have to be there in lab from 9 am – 5 pm every day for 5 days in a week. The lab was very good. The environment of MNIT was very beautiful. I got some new friends there. Professor under which I did intern, was high profile person. There was a meeting with Professor every week regarding the project progress.

IF: What specific problems you or your friends faced, during the internship, which became a bit hard to crack?

Nishant: There was option of hostel and mess but I lived at my uncle’s home in Jaipur. So I didn’t face any problem regarding food and accommodation.

IF: Were there any special events during the internships which you would like to share?

Nishant: During my internship, convocation held there, President Pranav Mukharzi came there for convocation. There were many cultural and other programmes in that convocation. Sometimes I used to go for picnic and party with my new friends.

 IF: What was the guidance provided by your guide? What all support you received from your intern institute administration?

Nishant: Nature and behaviour of my guide was very attractive. He takes meeting of our group one time in a week. All the helps like internet (user name and password), issuing books from library.

IF: Any special experience which you had during this period, which you would like to share with us.  ?

Nishant: During internship, we work in a team, it creates team spirit, and we share our knowledge with each other. This thing help us when we work as employee in a company. I learnt it there.

IF: To whom all people you would, like to thank in context of this internship?

 Nishant: Professor under which I did this internship, I would like to thank him as well as Some Ph.D. student those helped me in this internship. I thank my team members also.

 IF: How much difference this period of 8 weeks made in your intellectual capabilities and mindset.  In broad terms what are your gains from this?

 Nishant: Over this period, my mind was localized actually on a particular project, during this time I worked hard and  try to acquire related knowledge whatever I could do. There I knew about some basics of Operating systems, some new editors of Linux, Data structures which will be more useful for me in near future as well as in present scenario also.

 IF: What are your future plans after this internship and how much impact this internship will have on it?

 Nishant: I want to make my carrier in the field of Software Development as well as Computer networking also. So this internship will have more impact on this.

 IF: Any views about this initiative of InternFeel, and how beneficial it would be?

Nishant: It’s very good initiative from InternFeel which will help to all students who want to do internship in their college life.

IF: So Nishant, we are at the end of the interview. From the entire team of InternFeel, we thank you for taking out your time and sharing your experiences for everyone and we wish you best of luck for all your future endeavors.  

Nishant: Thank you so much InternFeel. It’s my great please to share my internship experience with you, this will help many of the students regarding internship. I am very happy on giving this InternFeel interview.

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