Hello all, today we have Mr. Mazhar Imam Khan here sharing his valuable experience on the internship at IIT Kanpur. As a student from IT, he bragged an internship at IIT Kanpur in the field of cyber security. Let’s learn his experience from his words..
InternFeel: Please tell us something about yourself. Where and what are you studying currently?
Mazhar: I am Mazhar Imam Khan, a final year undergraduate student at IIEST, Shibpur which is located in Howrah, West Bengal. I am pursuing B. Tech in Information Technology.
InternFeel: Give us details about your internship – process of application, stipend, duration and place?
Mazhar: I had always wanted to do a project under Prof. Sandeep Shukla (HOD of Computer Science Dept. , IIT Kanpur) in the field of Cyber Security. He is a master in the field of Cyber Security. So, I had contacted him and mailed him. I mentioned what my goals are and how I can be an asset in the field of Cyber Security. He asked me about my interests and few questions which seemed like a formal interview and finally, he told me to send him my resume. After few days, I got a positive response from the Project Manager of IIT, Kanpur (CS department) that I have been selected for the Summer Internship.
It was a two months internship program and the stipend was Rs. 20,000.
InternFeel: How competitive was the selection process? According to you, which qualities have helped you have an edge in the selection process? Also, what were the key things that selectors were looking for?
Mazhar: The selection process was competitive as they were looking for students who are totally devoted and with a good academic background in terms of Computer Science. My academic performance (CGPA) and a good interview helped me to impose a good impression in the first talk. I had also done a lot of research to know about different fields of Cyber Security. This awareness also made a good impression.
InternFeel: Could you please highlight the work/research you carried out during your internship period?
Mazhar: I worked on Honeypots for Cyber Security which could capture Cyber Attacks. It could track the activities of hackers and what they are actually trying to do by entering into our computers. It could capture the malicious files downloaded by the hackers in our system.
InternFeel: Can you give us interesting details about your experience – good and bad? (It could be something like the amazing location of your internship, the friends you made for life, a bad senior, accommodation given in case of an outstation internship and something along those lines.)
Mazhar: I had an amazing experience at IIT, Kanpur. I had always wished to go there and see the environment. Many other students were also selected for this Internship who came from different IITs and IIITs. It was an honour to meet them. We too became a very good friend. The best thing about them was their helping nature. I was guided by two mentors who were M.tech students at IIT, Kanpur named Rohit Sehgal and Nishit Majithia. They taught me a lot of things. Apart from the actual project also, they taught me new technologies which will be very useful for me in future. I am really thankful to them for being so supportive. I am still in touch with them. They got placed at Walmart which is one of my dream companies. I miss them and my friends a lot. The campus of IIT, Kanpur is really awesome where any student will fell in love with it. You can study, you can enjoy, you can do anything in which you are interested.
InternFeel: How do you think this internship has helped you grow? In other words, what are your key takeaways from the internship?
Mazhar: This internship was a turning point in my life as it helped me to know what I am actually interested in and what career I have to pursue in future. As I was the only student who was working on Honeypots, so I had to do everything on my own. My mentors used to give me the task and I had to show it asap. So, it made me a responsible person. It helped me to understand how it feels to work under pressure, how much hard work is needed to achieve your goals and most importantly it helped me to realize that If you are interested in something, then Nothing is Impossible. Just go for it, work hard, you will definitely get what you want.
InternFeel: Has this internship had a decision altering impact on your career? Do you now think of a different future path as compared to before doing the internship?
Mazhar: Yes, this internship actually helped me to know what to pursue in future. I have totally dedicated myself to the field of Cyber Security. I know, right now I am not that good in this field, but I know for sure that I will do very good if I keep working hard.
InternFeel: Lastly, do you have any words of advice or caution for students aspiring for this internship and reading this piece?
Mazhar: I love and truly respect my juniors (IIEST, Shibpur). I have a very important message for my juniors and those who are looking for internships.
“Nobody is perfect and knowledge never ends. You are young until you are learning. So, keep learning and most important don’t miss out important moments of your life as well, keep enjoying your life too. You can easily take out time from your studies to enjoy for a moment. I am also just like you people, a simple student. It’s just the hard work that creates the difference. If I can do it, then you can do it for sure. Never ever lose hope. You are far better than me and you all will do very well in future. All the very best and always remember, I am always there for help.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mazhar-imam-khan-95a34ab3/
We thank Mazhar for sharing this wonderful intern experience with us.